join head and heart with body and voice as we offer our prayers to God. I will conclude each petition, “God, in
your mercy.” Please respond, “Hear
our prayer.”
we as a chapel and University community may come more and more each day to
believe in one another. God, in
your mercy.
That we as a chapel and University community may come more and more each day to awaken to the spirit of unconditional love. God, in your mercy.
That those who pass through the halls and seminar rooms of Boston University may be awakened to an examined faith. God, in your mercy.
That our graduates may behold what they are, become what they have received here, and offer self and service to a sore and straining world. God, in your mercy.
That all in our community who seek may find a spiritual shelter from the storms of life. God, in your mercy.
That all who seek may find a spiritual home and a spiritual family. God, in your mercy.
That our graduating students may hear the call to serve and go with strength, carrying the assurance of abiding grace and presence they have received here. God, in your mercy.
That our graduating students may be able to become still enough to hear the sound of the genuine welling up within. God, in your mercy.
We pray today for the three Boston University students who died in a car accident this weekend in New Zealand: Austin, Daniela, and Roch. Grant to them eternal rest, O God, and may light perpetual shine upon them. God, in your mercy.
We pray for the students injured in the same accident, and particularly for Margaret who remains in a severe condition. God, in your mercy.
We pray for those in our community who mourn, and particularly on this Mother’s Day for the mothers of the victims. God, in your mercy.
We pray for the responders in our community and in communities who have gone the extra mile to lend support, that they may be strengthened to love and serve those devastated in the wake of tragedy. God, in your mercy.
We pray for the spiritual wisdom to abide in a place between tragedy and celebration, to celebrate with those who celebrate, and to mourn with those who mourn. God, in your mercy.
And now, with the confidence of children of God, we are bold to pray: Our Father…